§912.27. Licensure of installers and transporters; adoption of rules; compliance with
installation instructions; disposition of fees; continuing education; bond
A.(1) The commission shall, by rule adopted in accordance with the Administrative
Procedure Act, provide for the licensure of installers and transporters of manufactured and
modular homes and the implementation and collection of an annual license fee and an
installation permit sticker fee. The installer's and transporter's license fee shall be one
hundred twenty-five dollars per license, and the installation permit sticker fee shall be twenty
dollars. Further, a licensed installer shall be allowed to perform the functions of a transporter
without having to obtain that license.
(2) After January 1, 2004, prior to receiving an original license, installers shall attend
a certification course offered by the commission or a commission-approved provider and
pass an accompanying test. The fee for any course offered by the commission shall be set
by rule and shall not exceed one hundred dollars.
(3) Installers shall be required to attend one continuing education course per year.
The individual required to attend the continuing education course is the individual license
holder. For corporations, an officer of the corporation shall attend the course. For
partnerships, a partner shall attend the course. The commission shall set the educational
requirements and approve educational course providers and the course materials for all
continuing education classes. The commission shall have the authority to suspend these
continuing education requirements, for one or more licenses, if the commission, in its
discretion, determines such action is warranted due to extraordinary circumstances.
(4) All installers and transporters shall provide annually along with the license
application a surety bond in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars or post a twenty-five
thousand dollar irrevocable letter of credit with the commission.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the homeowner or a licensed
installer, to perform an installation of a manufactured or modular home, whether or not such
person receives compensation for such action. For the purposes of this Subsection,
community owners or park operators of manufactured or modular homes shall not be
considered homeowners if the home in question is or will be leased at any time.
C. Any installer or homeowner installing a manufactured or modular home in this
state shall first obtain an installation permit sticker from the commission which shall be
affixed to the side of the home at the point where electrical power is connected to the home.
All installation permit stickers shall be affixed within ten days of delivery of the
manufactured or modular home, unless extenuating circumstances are shown.
D. Any installation of a manufactured or modular home in this state shall be
performed in strict compliance with this Part.
E. All fees collected pursuant to Subsection A of this Section or fines collected
pursuant to this Part shall be used exclusively for the maintenance and operation of the
Acts 1997, No. 970, §1; Acts 2000, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 92, §1; Acts 2001, No. 718,
§2; Acts 2003, No. 661, §1; Acts 2007, No. 441, §1; Acts 2008, No. 217, §1; Acts 2017, No.
221, §1; Acts 2021, No. 29, §2; Acts 2024, No. 480, §1.