§952. New and expanded electric generation facilities using Louisiana groundwater
for production of electricity; requirement of notice of operation date and
contact information for electric power sales; reports
A.(1) The provisions of this Section shall apply to all entities that own, lease,
and/or operate new or expanded electric generation facilities that commence
operation in the state on or after January 1, 2003, if the new or expanded electric
generation facilities use or consume groundwater of the state in the process of
producing electricity for sale into the wholesale electricity market.
(2) The provisions of this Section shall not apply to municipally owned or
operated electric generation facilities, electric generation facilities subject to the
jurisdiction of the Louisiana Public Service Commission, qualifying cogeneration
and small power production facilities as defined in the Public Utilities Regulatory
Act of 1978 (PURPA), or electric generation facilities that produce electricity
exclusively for use at the site of generation and/or for sale to a Louisiana electric
public facility.
B.(1)(a) All new or expanded electric generation facilities provided for in
Subsection A of this Section shall, at least one hundred eighty days prior to the start
of commercial operation of such facilities, provide notice to the secretary of
Louisiana Economic Development, the executive secretary of the Louisiana Public
Service Commission, and the Groundwater Management Commission of the
expected date for commencing such operation and contact information for electric
power sales from the generation facilities. Such notice shall be designed to inform
Louisiana-based wholesale power buyers of the generator's intent to sell power.
(b) Louisiana Economic Development and the Louisiana Public Service
Commission shall post such information on each agency's official website and/or
publish such information in each agency's official publication.
(2) After the initial operation of such facility, its management shall provide
semiannual notification to such department and commissions, if less than twenty-five
percent of the power sales in megawatt hours from the facility during the previous six
months were made to in-state purchasers.
Acts 2001, No. 1040, §1, eff. June 27, 2001.