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      RS 9:1141.7     


§1141.7. Exercise of development rights

            A. To exercise any development right reserved in R.S. 9:1141.5(A)(7), the declarant shall prepare, execute, and file for registry an amendment to the declaration in accordance with R.S. 9:1141.4(D). The amendment to the declaration shall assign an identifying number to each new lot created, and, except in the case of subdivision or conversion of lots described in Subsection D of this Section, reallocate the common expense liabilities, common surpluses, and voting interest in the association among all lots. The amendment shall describe any common areas and any limited common areas created and, in the case of limited common areas, designate the lots by letter, name, or number, or a combination thereof to which each is appurtenant.

            B. Development rights may be reserved within any immovable property added to the planned community if the amendment adding that immovable property includes or incorporates by reference all matters required by R.S. 9:1141.5.

            C. Development rights to add additional immovable property may be exercised only within seven years after the date of the filing of the initial declaration. The submission of an application for approval of a plat of subdivision pursuant to R.S. 33:113 shall suspend the running of the seven-year period, except that the suspension is considered never to have occurred if the application is denied and any appeal period has expired, or if the declarant voluntarily withdraws or abandons the application or a plat of subdivision that is the subject of the application prior to filing the plat for registry. If a plat is approved, the seven-year period shall be interrupted and shall commence to run anew on the date on which the plat of subdivision is filed for registry. This Section does not extend the term for the exercise of development rights imposed by the declaration pursuant to R.S. 9:1141.5(A)(7).

            D. When a declarant exercises a development right to subdivide or convert a lot previously created into additional lots, common areas, limited common areas, or any combination thereof, the following apply:

            (1) If the declarant converts the lot entirely to a common area or limited common area, the amendment to the declaration shall reallocate all of the common expense liabilities, common surpluses, and voting interest in the association of that lot among the other lots by the same method provided in R.S. 9:1141.6, or as otherwise provided in the community documents.

            (2) If the declarant subdivides the lot into two or more lots or if the declarant combines two or more lots into a single lot, regardless of whether any part of the lot is converted into a common area or a limited common area, the amendment to the declaration shall reallocate all of the common expense liabilities, common surpluses, and voting interest in the association of the lot among the lots created by the subdivision in the manner prescribed in the declaration.

            E. If, pursuant to R.S. 9:1141.5(A)(7), the declaration provides that all or any portion of the immovable property within the planned community is subject to a right of withdrawal by the declarant, none of the immovable property may be withdrawn after a lot has been transferred to an unrelated purchaser except upon a supermajority vote of the association. A declarant may not withdraw all or any portion of immovable property that has been transferred to the association.

            Acts 1999, No. 309, §2, eff. June 16, 1999; Acts 2024, No. 158, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2025.

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