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      RS 9:5532     


§5532.  Mortgaging with fraudulent intent; penalty

If any person shall fraudulently give or attempt to give a mortgage or a security interest under Chapter 9 of the Louisiana Commercial Laws on a ship subject to this Chapter without being the owner thereof or without having the proper authority to represent the owner thereof or if any person shall fraudulently give a mortgage or security interest on a ship subject to this Chapter without fully disclosing in writing or causing to be written into the act of mortgage the description and the amount, if known, of any existing liens, privileges, or encumbrances on the ship mortgaged, he shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned for not more than six months, or both.

Added by Acts 1975, No. 368, §1.  Acts 1989, No. 137, §7, eff. Sept. 1, 1989.

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