§938.2. Additional duties of Louisiana Economic Development; manufacturing
A. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, Louisiana Economic
Development shall do all of the following regarding manufacturing:
(1)(a) Develop and implement a state strategic plan for attracting manufacturers to
the state.
(b) The purpose of the state strategic plan is to design a program for the preparation
and distribution of promotional and informational materials citing the key economic benefits
of locating manufacturing facilities in the state.
(2) Monitor the implementation of the state strategic plan to attract manufacturers
to the state.
(3) Develop a plan to identify areas of land for future manufacturing use.
(4) Identify manufacturing sites that are ready for development.
(5) Develop a plan in conjunction with the office of workforce development and
Technical College System for the training of skilled workers to ensure a scalable workforce.
(6) Develop a plan for locating and identifying property for potential workforce
B. The department shall promote the development of the manufacturing industry
within this state and may engage in all of the following activities:
(1) Contracting with and directing trade or industry representatives for the purpose
of promoting Louisiana as a site for the development of future manufacturing facilities.
(2) Serving as an informational clearinghouse and providing technical assistance to
individuals and entities engaged in manufacturing by compiling, producing, publishing, and
updating a comprehensive directory on sites, facilities, services, tax incentives, and
permitting practices for the state.
(3) Participating in regional, national, and international manufacturing conferences
and networking opportunities.
(4) Sponsoring workshops and seminars on topics including but not limited to legal
and financial aspects of locating manufacturers in the state.
C. All departments, commissions, boards, agencies, officers, and institutions of this
state and all subdivisions thereof shall cooperate with the office in carrying out the purposes
of this Section.
D. The department is hereby designated as the applicant, administrative body, and
recipient for accepting and administering any and all state, federal, and private funds awarded
to and allocated by this state for any purpose covered by this Section.
E. The department shall provide the Legislature of Louisiana with an annual report
regarding the provisions of this Section at least thirty days before the covening of the regular
legislative session.
Acts 2022, No. 743, §1.