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      RS 15:1109.5     


§1109.5. Power to levy taxes, incur debt, and issue bonds

            A. In the exercise of its powers to administer, control, and manage the affairs of the district, the board may incur debt and issue bonds, and it may levy taxes in the manner provided in this Subpart and pursuant to Article VI, Sections 30 and 32 of the Constitution of Louisiana and any other constitutional or statutory authority.

            B. In order to obtain the necessary funds to carry out its purposes, duties, and responsibilities, and in order to acquire, construct, maintain, and operate a juvenile facility or facilities and related services throughout the district, the commission may incur debt and issue general obligation bonds within the limitations prescribed in Article VI, Section 33 of the Constitution of Louisiana and any other applicable constitutional or statutory authority, but only when authorized by a majority of the electors in the district who vote thereon in an election held for that purpose in accordance with laws governing such elections.

            Acts 2023, No. 166, §1, eff. June 7, 2023.

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