§5223. Powers and duties of the commission
A. The commission shall:
(1) Represent the public interest in the administration of this Chapter and shall be
responsible to the governor, the legislature, and the public.
(2) Promulgate and amend rules and regulations, in accordance with the
Administrative Procedure Act, necessary for the administration of the functions of the
(3) Organize, plan, supervise, direct, administer, execute, and be responsible for the
functions and programs vested in the commission, in the manner and to the extent provided
by this Chapter.
(4) Advise the governor on problems concerning the administration of the
commission and the functions and operations of Louisiana ports.
(5) Make reports and recommendations on its own initiative or upon the request of
the governor, the legislature, or any committee or member thereof.
(6) Compile and provide, on an annual basis, all information necessary for confecting
an annual budget.
B.(1) The commission may:
(a) Employ, appoint, remove, assign, and promote such personnel as is necessary for
the efficient administration of the council and the performance of its powers, duties,
functions, and responsibilities.
(b) Accept and use, in accordance with law, gifts, grants, bequests, and endowments
for purposes consistent with the responsibilities and functions of the council and take such
actions as are necessary to comply with any conditions required for such acceptance.
(c) Take any other action, consistent with the law, as may be necessary to properly
perform the functions vested in it.
(2) Any decision made by the commission shall require a two-thirds vote of the
entire membership to be approved.
Acts 2024, No. 755, §1.