§2125. Cajundome Commission; board of commissioners; membership
A. The Cajundome Commission, hereinafter referred to as the "commission", was
established in 1987 pursuant to an intergovernmental contract between the University of
Louisiana at Lafayette, formerly the University of Southwestern Louisiana, hereinafter
referred to as the "university", and the city of Lafayette, hereinafter referred to as the "city",
under authority of Article VII, Section 14(C) of the Constitution of Louisiana and R.S.
33:1332, as a joint commission and body corporate to control and operate the multi-purpose
academic, athletic, civic, and community assembly arena and convention center and
surrounding land located at 444 Cajundome Boulevard, Lafayette, Louisiana, known as the
Cajundome (collectively, the "Cajundome"). The Cajundome is owned by the university
through the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System for the public
purpose of providing entertainment, cultural, economic, and educational benefits to the
community of Lafayette and the Acadiana region. The commission was continued through
two subsequent intergovernmental contracts and three extensions thereof between the
University and the city. Act No. 319 of the 1995 Regular Session of the Legislature
recognized the commission by adding it to the list of employers participating in the
Municipal Employees' Retirement System.
B. The current intergovernmental contract providing for the commission expires on
July 31, 2024. To ensure the continued existence of the commission upon expiration of the
intergovernmental contract and to prevent any disruption to the management, operation, or
maintenance of the Cajundome or the rights, benefits, debts, or obligations of the presently
existing commission, effective immediately upon the expiration of the current
intergovernmental contract, the commission is hereby statutorily continued as a political
subdivision of the state to develop, manage, operate, and maintain the Cajundome. In all
respects except as otherwise expressly provided in this Chapter, the commission shall
continue in existence as presently constituted, with and subject to all rights, benefits, debts,
and obligations in existence as of the date of expiration of the current intergovernmental
contract, with no interruption whatsoever. For purposes of R.S. 39:112, any project
undertaken by the commission shall be considered to be owned and operated by the state.
C. The commission shall be domiciled in the parish of Lafayette.
D.(1) The commission shall be governed by a board of commissioners, hereinafter
referred to as the "board", composed of five persons. Except as provided in Paragraph (2)
of this Subsection, each member of the board shall be appointed for a term of four years and
shall serve until their successors have been appointed. Members shall be appointed as
(a) Two by the president of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, with one
appointment being a minority.
(b) Two by the mayor-president of the Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated
(c) One by the Lafayette City Council.
(2) The members as of the date of expiration of the current intergovernmental
contract shall continue to serve their then-current terms. Upon expiration of their terms, the
members as of such date other than the president shall be replaced by members appointed by
the appointing authorities set forth in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection as their terms expire
in the following order: first by the president of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette;
second by the mayor-president of the Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government; third
by the board of commissioners of the Lafayette Economic Development Authority; fourth
by the president of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette; and fifth by the Lafayette City
(3) Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the board shall be filled by the
appointing authorities set forth in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection, as to the members
respectively appointed by them. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for the
remainder of the unexpired term. The appointing authorities set forth in Paragraph (1) of this
Subsection, as appropriate, may remove any member respectively appointed by them at any
time, with or without cause and solely at their discretion.
E. The board shall elect from its membership a chair, a vice chair, and a
F. A majority of the total membership of the board shall constitute a quorum in order
to transact business of the commission. No contract shall be approved or any financial
obligation incurred by or on behalf of the commission unless approved by a majority vote of
the members of the board; provided, however, that the board may delegate to its chair or to
the commission's director the authority to enter into contracts or incur financial obligations
that the board determines to be in the commission's best interest for the efficient operation
of the Cajundome.
G. Members of the board shall serve without compensation; however, they shall be
reimbursed for expenses incurred while attending to the business of the board or the
Acts 2024, No. 510, §1.