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      RS 51:2126     


§2126. Cajundome Commission; purpose; function; authority; powers; duties

            A. The commission shall develop, manage, operate, and maintain the Cajundome including any additions or appurtenances thereto for the public purpose of providing entertainment, cultural, economic, and educational benefits to the community of Lafayette and the Acadiana region.

            B. The commission, through its board, may sue and be sued in the courts of its domicile, and service of process shall be made on the chair of the board or, in the absence of the chair, upon the vice chair.

            C. The commission, acting through its board, shall have all authority and power to effectuate the purposes of the commission, including but not limited to the following rights and powers:

            (1) To acquire, purchase, lease as lessee, and hold and use any property, movable or immovable, tangible or intangible, or any interest therein that is necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of the commission and to sell, lease as lessor, transfer, dispose of, or encumber any property or interest therein acquired by the commission.

            (2) To develop, manage, operate, and maintain the Cajundome, including any and all additions and appurtenances thereto; provided, however, that the construction of additions, improvements, or renovations to the Cajundome shall be done only with permission of the university as owner of the Cajundome.

            (3) To execute contracts of any sort with public or private entities to effectuate the provisions of this Chapter.

            (4) To execute contracts or agreements with any person, corporation, association, or other entity, including private persons, public corporations, political subdivisions, the government of the United States or any of its agencies, the state of Louisiana or any of its agencies, or any combination thereof, for or relating to the use of the Cajundome's facilities, services, and equipment.

            (5) To fix, collect, consent to, and revise rates, charges, rentals, and other terms for the use of the Cajundome's facilities, services, and equipment as may be necessary or appropriate in the board's discretion or as authorized by the board, including but not limited to contracts with promoters for such use upon terms authorized by the board.

            (6) To establish rules and regulations for the conduct of the commission's affairs, including but not limited to rules and regulations governing the management and operation of the Cajundome and its facilities, services, equipment, programs, and activities.

            (7) To accept gifts, grants, and donations of property and money.

            (8) To cooperate with the state of Louisiana or any political subdivision, department, agency, or corporation thereof for the development, operation, or maintenance of the Cajundome to accomplish the purposes of this Chapter on any basis, including the matching of funds, and by participating in projects authorized by federal or state law.

            (9) To contract with, employ, and fix the compensation and terms of employment of agents or employees as may be necessary or appropriate to develop, manage, operate, and maintain the Cajundome.

            (10) To pledge all or any part of its revenues for any lawful purpose to effectuate the provisions of this Chapter.

            (11) To incur debt, issue bonds, and pledge payment of bonds issued by the commission for any authorized purpose pursuant to Part XII of Chapter 4 of Subtitle II of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950.

            D. All policies, procedures, delegations, authorizations, contracts, and obligations of the board or commission in effect on August 1, 2024, shall continue in full force and effect unless and until amended by future action of the board.

            Acts 2024, No. 510, §1.

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