§10.1. Quality Trust Fund; Education
Section 10.1.(A) Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund. (1) Effective January 1,
1987, there shall be established in the state treasury as a special permanent trust fund the
Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund, hereinafter referred to as the "Permanent Trust
Fund." After allocation of money to the Bond Security and Redemption Fund as provided
in Article VII, Section 9(B) of this constitution, and notwithstanding Article XIV, Section
10 of this constitution, the treasurer shall deposit in and credit to the Permanent Trust Fund
all money which is received after the first one hundred million dollars from the federal
government under Section 1337(g) of Title 43 of the United States Code which is attributable
to mineral production activity or leasing activity on the Outer Continental Shelf which has
been held in escrow pending a settlement between the United States and the state of
Louisiana; twenty-five percent of the recurring revenues received under Section 1337(g) of
Title 43 of the United States Code which are attributable to mineral production activity or
leasing activity on the Outer Continental Shelf; twenty-five percent of the interest income
earned on investment of monies in the Permanent Trust Fund; seventy-five percent of the
realized capital gains on investment of the Permanent Trust Fund, unless such percentage is
changed by law enacted by two-thirds of the elected members of each house of the
legislature; and twenty-five percent of the dividend income earned on investment of the
Permanent Trust Fund. No appropriation shall be made from the Permanent Trust Fund. If
any such money has been received prior to the effective date of this Section, the treasurer
shall transfer from the state general fund to the Permanent Trust Fund on the effective date
of this Section an amount of money which shall make the Permanent Trust Fund balance
equal to the amount of such money previously received, except for the first one hundred
million dollars. After six hundred million dollars has been credited to the Permanent Trust
Fund, the sum of fifty million dollars shall be credited to the Coastal Environment Protection
Trust Fund, as established in R.S. 30:313, from those monies received from the federal
government under Section 1337(g) of Title 43 of the United States Code which is attributable
to mineral production activity or leasing activity on the Outer Continental Shelf and which
has been held in escrow pending a settlement between the United States and the state of
Louisiana; all funds in excess of seven hundred fifty million dollars shall be credited to the
Permanent Trust Fund.
(2) After allocation of money to the Bond Security and Redemption Fund as
provided in Article VII, Section 9(B) of the constitution, and notwithstanding Article XIV,
Section 10 of the constitution, seventy-five percent of the recurring revenues received under
Section 1337(g) of Title 43 of the United States Code which are attributable to mineral
production activity or leasing activity, and the percent remaining of the realized capital gains
and interest income and dividend income earned on investment of the Permanent Trust Fund
after the deposit required to the Permanent Trust Fund in Paragraph A(1) of this Section shall
be deposited and credited to a special fund which is hereby created in the state treasury and
which shall be known as the Louisiana Quality Education Support Fund, hereinafter referred
to as the "Support Fund".
(3) All recurring revenues and interest earnings shall be credited to the respective
funds as provided in Subparagraphs (1) and (2) above until the balance in the Permanent
Trust Fund equals two billion dollars. After the Permanent Trust Fund reaches a balance of
two billion dollars, all interest earnings on the Permanent Trust Fund shall be credited to the
Support Fund and all recurring revenues shall be credited to the State General Fund.
(B) Investment. The money credited to the Permanent Trust Fund pursuant to
Paragraph (A) of this Section shall be permanently credited to the Permanent Trust Fund and
shall be invested by the treasurer. Notwithstanding any provision of this constitution or other
law to the contrary, a portion of money in the Permanent Trust Fund, not to exceed thirty-five
percent, may be invested in stock. The legislature shall provide for procedures for the
investment of such monies by law. The treasurer shall contract, subject to the approval of
the State Bond Commission, for the management of such investments. The amounts in the
Support Fund shall be available for appropriation to pay expenses incurred in the investment
and management of the Permanent Trust Fund and for educational purposes only as provided
in Paragraphs (C) and (D) of this Section.
(C) Reports; Allocation. (1) The State Board of Elementary and Secondary
Education and the Board of Regents shall annually submit to the legislature and the governor
not less than sixty days prior to the beginning of each regular session of the legislature a
proposed program and budget for the expenditure of the monies in the Support Fund.
Proposals for such expenditures shall be designed to improve the quality of education and
shall specifically designate those monies to be used for administrative costs, as defined and
authorized by law.
(2) Except for appropriations to pay expenses incurred in the investment and
management of the Permanent Trust Fund, the legislature shall appropriate from the Support
Fund only for educational purposes provided in Paragraph (D) of this Section and shall
appropriate fifty percent of the available funds for higher educational purposes and fifty
percent for elementary and secondary educational purposes. Those monies to be used for
administrative costs shall be expended for such purposes only if so approved and
appropriated by the legislature.
(3) The legislature shall appropriate the total amount intended for higher educational
purposes to the Board of Regents and the total amount intended for elementary and
secondary educational purposes to the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
which boards shall allocate the monies so appropriated to the programs as previously
approved by the legislature.
(4) The monies appropriated by the legislature and disbursed from the Support Fund
shall not displace, replace, or supplant appropriations from the general fund for elementary
and secondary education, including implementing the Minimum Foundation Program, or
displace, replace, or supplant funding for higher education. For elementary and secondary
education and for higher education, this Paragraph shall mean that no appropriation for any
fiscal year from the Support Fund shall be made for any purpose for which a general fund
appropriation was made in the previous year unless the total appropriations for that fiscal
year from the state general fund for such purpose exceed general fund appropriations for the
previous year. This Paragraph shall in no way limit general fund appropriations in excess
of the minimum amounts herein established.
(D) Disbursement; Higher Education and Elementary and Secondary Education.
(1) The treasurer shall disburse not more than fifty percent of the monies in the
Support Fund as that money is appropriated by the legislature and allocated by the Board of
Regents for any or all of the following higher educational purposes to enhance economic
(a) The carefully defined research efforts of public and private universities in
(b) The endowment of chairs for eminent scholars.
(c) The enhancement of the quality of academic, research, or agricultural
departments or units within a community college, college, or university. These funds shall
not be used for athletic purposes or programs.
(d) The recruitment of superior graduate students.
(2) The treasurer shall disburse not more than fifty percent of the monies in the
Support Fund as that money is appropriated by the legislature and allocated by the State
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for any or all of the following elementary and
secondary educational purposes:
(a) To provide compensation to city or parish school board professional instructional
(b) To insure an adequate supply of superior textbooks, library books, equipment,
and other instructional materials.
(c) To fund exemplary programs in elementary and secondary schools designed to
improve elementary or secondary student academic achievement or vocational-technical
(d) To fund carefully defined research efforts, including pilot programs, designed to
improve elementary and secondary student academic achievement.
(e) To fund school remediation programs and preschool programs.
(f) To fund the teaching of foreign languages in elementary and secondary schools.
(g) To fund an adequate supply of teachers by providing scholarships or stipends to
prospective teachers in academic or vocational-technical areas where there is a critical
teacher shortage.
Added by Acts 1985, No. 1020, §1, approved Sept. 27, 1986, eff. Oct. 30, 1986;
Amended by Acts 1989, No. 846, §1, approved Oct. 6, 1990, eff. Nov. 8, 1990; Acts 1994,
3rd Ex. Sess., No. 151, §1, approved Oct. 1, 1994, eff. Nov. 3, 1994; Acts 1998, 1st Ex.
Sess., No. 170, §1, approved Oct. 3, 1998, eff. Nov. 5, 1998.