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      RS 49:214.61     



§214.61.  Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority; acquisition of property prior to judgment; definitions

A.  When the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority cannot amicably acquire property in the coastal zone needed for barrier island preservation, restoration, or creation for coastal wetlands purposes, it may acquire the same by expropriation and may acquire the property prior to judgment in the trial court as provided in this Part.

B.  At least thirty days prior to filing a petition for expropriation, the department must notify the owner or owners by certified mail, return receipt requested, of its intention to expropriate the property pursuant to this Part.  The letter of notification must also inform the owner that if, within thirty days after being served with the notice of suit, he does not object in writing to the taking on the ground that it is not within the coastal zone or necessary for barrier island preservation, restoration, or creation for coastal wetlands purposes, he will waive all defenses to the taking except claims for recognition of the ownership of subsurface mineral rights.  A copy of this Part must be enclosed with the letter of notification.

C.  Except as otherwise provided in this Part, such expropriation by the department shall be conducted in the manner that the Department of Transportation and Development may expropriate property for highway purposes, as set forth in R.S. 48:441 through 460.

D.  As used in this Part:

(1)  "Coastal zone" means the coastal zone boundary as defined in R.S. 49:214.24.

(2)  "Department" means the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority or its successor.

(3)  "Property" means the servitude of use, easement or right-of-way over, through, along and across immovable property necessary to establish, maintain or operate a project for barrier island preservation, restoration, or creation for coastal wetlands purposes, including rights of ingress and egress to public or private areas on which such projects are being established, maintained or operated.  The term "property" shall not include, and the department shall not be entitled to acquire pursuant to the provisions of this Part, ownership of the surface or subsurface of any immovable property, including, without limitation, mineral rights.

E.  The provisions of this Part shall supersede and control to the extent of conflict with any other provision of law.

Acts 2004, No. 633, §1, eff. July 5, 2004; Acts 2010, No. 734, §6; Acts 2012, No. 604, §3, eff. June 7, 2012.

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