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      RS 29:315     


§315.  Tenant and resident agreements

A.  In an action for possession of residential premises of a tenant or manufactured home park resident who is on active duty as defined by this Part or of any member of the tenant's or resident's immediate family, if the tenant or resident entered into the rental agreement on or after June 29, 2005, the court may, on its own motion, and shall, upon motion made by or on behalf of the tenant or resident, do one of the following if the tenant's or resident's ability to pay the agreed rent is materially affected by their service on active duty:

(1)  Stay the proceedings for a period of ninety days, unless, in the opinion of the court, justice and equity require a longer or shorter period of time.

(2)  Adjust the obligation under the rental agreement to preserve the interest of all parties to it.

B.  If a stay is granted under Subsection A of this Section, the court may grant the landlord or park operator such relief as equity may require.

C.  This Section does not apply to landlords or park operators operating less than four residential premises.

Acts 2005, No. 296, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.

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