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      RS 34:852.11     


§852.11.  Manufacturer's or importer's certificate of origin; form and content

A.  The manufacturer's or importer's certificate of origin, or equivalent document, shall be a uniform or standardized form.

B.  Each manufacturer's or importer's certificate of origin shall contain:

(1)  A description of the vessel or outboard motor, including the name of the manufacturer or model, the model year or year built or manufactured.  In the case of a vessel, the description shall also include the complete hull identification number, vessel length, vessel type, principal material of hull construction, and propulsion type.  In the case of an outboard motor, the description shall also include the serial number.

(2)  An assignment form that contains as many assignments thereon as may be necessary to show title in the name of the purchaser, including the certification of date of transfer of vessel or outboard motor, the name and address of transferee, certification that the vessel or outboard motor is new, and a warranty that the vessel  or outboard motor at the time of delivery is subject only to such liens and security interests as set forth and described in full in the assignment.

C.  Such certificate of origin shall be in the English language or accompanied by an English translation if the vessel or outboard motor was purchased outside of the United States.

Acts 2007, No. 319, §2, eff. July 1, 2008; H.C.R. No. 25, 2008 R.S., eff. May 28, 2008; Acts 2009, No. 508, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2011.

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