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      RS 29:726.2     


§726.2.  Public evacuation shelters

A.  It is the intent of the legislature that this state not have a deficit of safe public evacuation shelter space in any region of the state by the year 2014 and thereafter.

B.  The director of the parish office of homeland security and emergency preparedness may request the use of public facilities, including schools, postsecondary education facilities, and other facilities owned or leased by the state or local governments, but excluding hospitals or nursing homes, which are suitable for use as public evacuation shelters and which are not subject to an existing and contrary agreement for use during an emergency response.  The director of the parish office of homeland security and emergency preparedness shall coordinate with the appropriate school board, university, community college, technical school, or local governing board when requesting the use of such facilities as public evacuation shelters.

C.  Any public facility that is the recipient of retrofitting or hardening construction that is funded from monies appropriated by the state or federal government for purposes of being used as a shelter, shall make the facility available for use as a public evacuation shelter at the request of the director of the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.  Public facilities shall include all schools, postsecondary education facilities, and other facilities owned or leased by the state or local governments, excluding hospitals or nursing homes, that meet the minimum standards for use as an emergency shelter.

D.  The Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness shall select from an inventory list of those facilities recommended by the directors of the parish offices of homeland security and emergency preparedness for retrofitting those public facilities that, with reasonable hardening or retrofitting modifications, would accelerate the state and local efforts to reduce the deficit in shelter space.

E.  As used in this Section:

(1)  "Public facilities" means those facilities which have been or will be constructed with any funds appropriated by the state and applied towards the construction costs of the facility.

(2)  "Suitable for use as an emergency shelter" means that a public facility intended to be utilized as a public evacuation shelter should meet minimum criteria for structural survivability and sufficiency of operational space using the structural requirements of American Red Cross Standard ARC 4496, "Guidelines for Hurricane Evacuation Shelter Selection," and based on guidance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

F.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, nothing herein shall restrict or impair the rights and responsibilities of a parish or police jury president to respond to an emergency.

Acts 2009, No. 353, §1, eff. July 6, 2009.

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