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      RS 34:851.14.2     


§851.14.2.  Safety and security zones

A.  For the purposes of this Section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(1)  A "safety zone" shall mean a zone established for the protection of any vessel, structure, waters, or shore area from a safety or environmental hazard and shall include a water area, shore area, or water and shore area to which, for safety or environmental purposes, access is limited to authorized persons, vehicles, or vessels.  The zone may be stationary and described by fixed limits, or it may be described as a zone around a vessel in motion.

(2)  A "security zone" shall mean a zone established for national security interests and shall include all areas of land or water which are so designated by the captain of the port for such time as he deems necessary to prevent damages or injury to any vessel or waterfront facility, to safeguard ports, harbors, territories, or waters of the state or to secure the observance of the rights and obligations of the state.

B.  No person shall violate any restriction of a safety zone or security zone established pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the United States Coast Guard under authority granted by the Ports and Waterways Safety Act, 33 U.S.C. 1231, or the Magnuson Act, 50 U.S.C. 191.

C.(1)  Whoever knowingly violates or should have known he violated the restriction of a safety zone shall be subject to the penalty provisions of a class two violation as specified in R.S. 56:32.

(2)  Whoever knowingly violates or should have known he violated the restriction of a security zone shall be fined not more than nine hundred fifty dollars or imprisoned for not more than one hundred twenty days, or both.

Acts 2010, No. 47, §1, eff. May 26, 2010.

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