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      RS 15:1221     


§1221.  Information system's plan

Each policy board shall establish a plan for the development of information and statistical systems.  

(1)  The plan shall specify systems, objectives, and services to be provided which shall include but not be limited to:

(a)  Organization responsibilities;

(b)  The scope of each system;

(c)  Priorities for development; and

(d)  A timetable for development.  

(2)  The plan shall indicate the appropriate funding source for both the development and operation of the system.  

(3)  The plan shall provide for the privacy, confidentiality, and security of data in the system.  

(4)  No plan for the development of said systems, however, shall be considered final or approved, nor shall implementation of said plan proceed until the plan has been reviewed and approved by the Louisiana Criminal Justice Information System and the local governing authority.  

Added by Acts 1977, No. 597, §1, eff. July 19, 1977.  

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