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      RS 15:221     




§221.  Appointment of substitute judge by supreme court

Whenever any district judge is prevented by any cause whatever from holding court, and that fact is made to appear, by the certificate of the clerk under the seal of the court, to the supreme court or to any justice thereof, if in the judgment of the court or any justice the public interest so requires, the court or such justice shall designate and appoint any district judge of any other district to hold said court and discharge all the duties of the judge so disabled during such disability.  Such appointment shall be filed in the clerk's office of and entered on the minutes of said district court, and a certified copy thereof, under the seal of the court, shall be transmitted by the clerk of the district court to the district judge so designated and appointed.  

Acts 1966, No. 311, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 1967.  

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