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      RS 18:1293     


§1293.  Proces verbal

The governing authority ordering the election shall preserve a proces verbal of the canvass. If the election affects ad valorem taxation, the governing authority shall include a copy of the notice of election and proof of publication of the notice in the proces verbal.  The governing authority shall forward a copy of the proces verbal to the secretary of state, who shall record it.  A copy also shall be forwarded to the clerk of the district court, and in Orleans Parish to the clerk of the civil district court, who shall record it in the mortgage records.  A copy shall be retained in the archives of the office of the governing authority ordering the election.

Added by Acts 1977, No. 545, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 1978; Acts 2012, No. 283, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 2013.

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