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      RS 29:62     


§62. Membership; officers and terms of office

            A. The council shall be composed of nineteen members.

            (1) Six members of the council shall be comprised as follows:

            (a) The governor of Louisiana, or his designee.

            (b) The adjutant general of Louisiana, or his designee.

            (c) The president of the Louisiana State Senate, or a state senator designated by the president.

            (d) The speaker of the Louisiana House of Representatives, or a state representative designated by the speaker.

            (e) The secretary of Louisiana Economic Development, or his designee.

            (f) The secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, or his designee.

            (2) The governor shall appoint thirteen members in accordance with the following provisions:

            (a) The chair of the Louisiana Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.

            (b) The president of Barksdale Forward, or an advocate for Barksdale Air Force Base.

            (c) The president of Fort Polk Progress, or an advocate for Fort Polk Progress.

            (d) The president of Callendar Commitment, or an advocate for the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Belle Chasse, Louisiana, and constituent units.

            (e) The chair of the New Orleans Mayor's Military Advisory Council, or an advocate for the Marine Corps Support Facility located in New Orleans, Louisiana, or for the United States Coast Guard Eighth District, or for the United States Army Corps of Engineers.

            (f) Three members shall be appointed from retired flag, general, or O-6 officers, or a command sergeant major representing each of the armed services, national guard, and the reserves.

            (3) Five members shall be appointed at large and shall be representative of national defense and homeland security businesses with operations in Louisiana, elected officials of an installation community, or president of a regional economic development organization.

            B.(1) The five retired military personnel members appointed by the governor shall serve staggered terms so that two appointments shall expire at two years, one appointment shall expire at three years, and two appointments shall expire at four years, from the dates of initial appointment.

            (2) The nine at-large members appointed by the governor shall serve staggered terms so that three appointments shall expire at two years, three appointments shall expire at three years, and three shall expire at four years, from the dates of initial appointment.

            (3) Thereafter, each appointment shall serve a four-year term.

            C. A vacancy on the council shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

            D. The governor shall appoint the chair and vice chair of the council from its membership. All other officers as deemed necessary by the council shall be elected from its membership.

            E. There shall be an executive director, appointed by the governor, who shall provide administrative and staff support for the council. The executive director shall have authority to contract for services, expend funds, and operate the normal business activities of the commission.

            Added by Acts 2012, No. 810, §2; Acts 2018, No. 197, §1.

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