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      RS 29:111     


§111.  Article 11.  Place of confinement, reports and receiving of prisoners

A.  Persons confined other than in a guard house, whether before or during trial by court-martial, shall be confined in any place of confinement under the control of any of the armed forces or in any penal or correctional institution under the control of the state, or which the state may be allowed to use.  

B.  No provost marshal, commander of a guard, master at arms, warden, keeper, or officer of a place of confinement designated in Subsection A of this Section, may refuse to receive or keep any prisoner committed to his charge, when the committing person furnishes a statement, signed by him, of the offense charged against the prisoner.  

C.  Every commander of a guard, master at arms, warden, keeper, or officer of a place of confinement designated in Subsection A of this Section, to whose charge a prisoner is committed shall, within twenty-four hours after that commitment or as soon as he is relieved from guard, report to the commanding officer of the prisoner the name of the prisoner, the offense charged against him, and the name of the person who ordered or authorized the commitment.  

Acts 1974, No. 621, §1.  

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