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      RS 29:120     


§120. Article 20. Summary courts-martial

            A. Subject to Article 17 of this Code, summary courts-martial have jurisdiction to try persons subject to this Chapter, except commissioned officers, warrant officers, and cadets, for any offense made punishable by this Chapter. No person may be brought to trial before summary court-martial if he objects thereto. If objection to trial by summary court-martial is made by an accused, trial may be ordered by special or general court-martial as may be appropriate.

            B. In the National Guard not in federal service, the commanding officer of a garrison, fort, post, camp, air base, auxiliary air base, or other place where troops are on duty, or of a brigade, regiment, wing, group, detached battalion, detached squadron, detached company or other detachment, may convene a summary court-martial consisting of one commissioned officer. The proceedings shall be informal.

            C. A summary court-martial may sentence to:

            (1) Confinement of not more than thirty days;

            (2) Reduction of enlisted personnel to the lowest grade;

            (3) A fine of not more than one hundred dollars;

            (4) Forfeiture of up to one month pay and allowances;

            (5) A reprimand; or

            (6) Any combination of these punishments.

            Acts 1974, No. 621, §1. Amended by Acts 1978, No. 166, §3; Acts 1992, No. 530, §1, eff. July 1, 1992; Acts 2007, No. 309, §1, eff. July 1, 2007; Acts 2017, No. 75, §1, eff. June 8, 2017; Acts 2019, No. 373, §1.

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