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      RS 29:251.3     


§251.3.  War periods; eligibility for certain veterans' benefits

In accordance with Article X, Section 10(A)(2) of the Constitution of Louisiana, the state and city civil service departments shall accord a five-point preference in original appointment to each person who served honorably in the armed forces of the United States during the following dates of war periods and armed conflicts:

(1)  June 27, 1950 through January 31, 1955, the Korean Conflict.

(2)  July 1, 1958 through May 7, 1975, the Vietnam Era; however, the period of July 1, 1958 through August 4, 1964, is considered a wartime period only for those who served within the area known as the Vietnam Theater.

(3)  August 2, 1990 through the end of the Persian Gulf War as prescribed by the presidential proclamation or concurrent resolution of congress; however, this period applies only to those persons in the armed forces who received the Southwest Asia Service Medal.

Acts 1995, No. 1051, §2.

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