§291. Recordation of birth certificates of children born to armed forces members
A. The clerks of court of the several parishes and the register of conveyances of the
parish of Orleans shall maintain a special book to be provided by the parish in which they
shall record and alphabetically index, upon request, the birth certificate of a child born
outside the continental United States to any member of the armed services of the United
States of America whose parents were residents of Louisiana at the time the child was born.
It shall not be necessary to retain the original certificate tendered for registration in the
archives of the office. The clerks of court shall remit birth certificates filed pursuant to this
Section to the Louisiana Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics.
B. A certified copy of the original birth record issued by proper registration authority
in the city or country of birth, containing the name of the parents, name of child, race, place
and date of birth and sex, shall be accepted in order to effect registry.
Added by Acts 1956, No. 136, §1. Amended by Acts 1958, No. 106, §1; Acts 2020,
No. 239, §1.