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      RS 29:331     




§331. Military Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry; creation; duties and powers

            For the purposes of outreach, education, and advocacy for Louisiana service members and veterans who have been exposed to open burn pit smoke or other airborne hazards during their service in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation New Dawn, the Gulf War 1990-1991, or other conflicts or theaters which may subsequently be identified, the secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs shall:

            (1) Monitor the most current published epidemiological studies and recommendations arising as a requirement of 38 U.S.C. §527, as well as any developments in the study and treatment of conditions associated with exposure to toxic airborne chemicals and fumes caused by open burn pits.

            (2) Create a database of self-identifying service members and veterans who have been exposed to burn pits, that shall include the name, address, electronic address, phone number, location and period of service, and any other information as deemed necessary by the secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

            (3) Establish and maintain a public information program in order to educate and inform service members, veterans, and their families regarding:

            (a) The most recent scientific developments on the health effects of exposure to open burn pit smoke or other airborne hazards.

            (b) Availability of possible treatments for their conditions.

            (c) Applying for service-connected disability compensation for any possible illnesses or conditions related to exposure to open burn pit smoke or other airborne hazards, including the current status on related presumptive conditions or diseases as designated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

            (d) Appealing an existing disability rating decision or requesting an upgrade in disability rating from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

            Acts 2014, No. 312, §1.

NOTE: See Acts 2014, No. 312, §2, which provides that the Act shall be known as the "Staff Sergeant William Austin Daniel Military Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry Act of 2014".

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