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      RS 29:355     


§355.  Appointment as tutor or curator; contents of petition

A petition for the appointment of a tutor or curator may be filed in any court of competent jurisdiction by or on behalf of any person who under existing law is entitled to priority of appointment.  If there be no person so entitled, or if the person so entitled shall neglect or refuse to file such a petition within thirty days after mailing of notice by the veterans administration to the last known address of such person indicating the necessity for the same, a petition for such appointment may be filed in any court of competent jurisdiction by or on behalf of any responsible person residing in this state, provided that the veterans administration may require the appointment of a bank or trust company most conveniently located to the ward's residence to act as tutor or curator which shall only have the care, custody and administration of the property of the ward in accordance with the laws relating to banks and trust companies.  The petition for appointment shall set forth the name, age, place of residence of the ward, the names and places of residence of the nearest relative, if known, and the fact that such ward is entitled to receive moneys payable by or through the veterans administration and shall set forth the amount of moneys then due and the amount of probable future payments.  The petition shall also set forth the name and address of the person or institution, if any, having actual custody of the ward.  In the case of a mentally incompetent veteran or helpless child of a deceased or living veteran, the petition shall show that such ward has been rated incompetent on examination by the veterans administration in accordance with laws and regulations governing the veterans administration; and in the case of all other incompetent persons entitled to receive benefits from the veterans administration, the petition shall show that the appointment of a curator is a condition precedent to the payment of further benefits on behalf of such other incompetent ward.  

Amended by Acts 1956, No. 557, §1.  

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