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      RS 33:9038.39     


§9038.39.  Levy of ad valorem tax, sales tax, and/or hotel occupancy tax

Subject to limitations and prohibitions of the Louisiana Constitution, an economic development district has the  power to levy ad valorem taxes, sales taxes, or hotel occupancy taxes within the district up to five mills of ad valorem taxes, up to two percent of sales taxes, or up to two percent of hotel occupancy taxes, or any combination of such taxes, above and in addition to any other ad valorem taxes, sales taxes, or hotel occupancy taxes, or combination of such taxes, then in existence or permitted to be in existence within the district.  Any such increase in taxes shall be levied only after the governing authority of the district has adopted an appropriate resolution giving notice  of its intention to levy such taxes, which resolution shall include a general description of the  taxes to be levied, and notice of this intention shall be published once a week for two weeks in the official journal of the district, the first publication to appear at least fourteen days before the public meeting of the governing authority of the district at which the governing authority will meet in open and public session to hear any  objections to the proposed levy of increased taxes.  The notice of intent so published shall state the date, time, and place of the public hearing.  Such tax increase may be levied only after the governing authority of the district has called a special election submitting the proposition for the levy of such taxes to the qualified electors of the district and the proposition has received the favorable vote of a majority of the electors voting in the election; however, in the event there are no qualified electors in the district as certified by the registrar of voters, no such election shall be required.  The  powers and rights conferred by this Section shall be in addition to the powers and rights conferred by any other general or special law.  This Section, and any provisions of this Chapter not inconsistent therewith, does and shall be construed to provide a complete and additional method for the levy of any ad valorem tax, sales tax, or hotel occupancy tax or combination of such taxes.  No election, proceeding, notice, or approval shall be required for the levy of such taxes except as provided herein.  The provisions of this Section shall be liberally construed for the  accomplishment of its purposes.

Acts 2002, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 147, §1, eff. April 23, 2002; Acts 2006, No. 850, §4, eff. July 11, 2006.

NOTE:  See Acts 2002, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 147, §3, providing that Part II is an alternative to other provisions of Chapter 27 of Title 33 and does not conflict with, repeal, or supercede other provisions of Chapter 27.

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