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      RS 34:1602     


§1602.  Board of commissioners; members; vacancy; composition; officers; agents and employees

A.  A board of commissioners hereinafter referred to as the board, is hereby created, which shall be the governing authority of said district.  It shall consist of eleven members, who shall be citizens of the United States and qualified voters within the limits of said district during their term of office.  The members of the board shall serve overlapping terms of five years each.  On or after October 1, 1977, the members shall be appointed in the following manner:

(1)  Three members; shall be appointed by the town of Delcambre and the terms of the members so appointed shall be for five years each;

(2)  Two members shall be appointed by the governing authority of Iberia Parish from ward one of said parish and the initial terms of the members so appointed shall be for three years each;

(3)  Two members shall be appointed by the governing authority of Vermilion Parish, one of whom shall be appointed from ward one of said parish and one of whom shall be appointed from ward two of said parish, and the initial terms of those members so appointed shall be for two years each;

(4)  In addition to the above members, the governing authority of Vermilion Parish shall appoint one member from either ward one or ward two of said parish, who shall serve an initial term of two years; and,

(5)  In addition to the above members, the town of Erath shall appoint three members who shall serve initial terms of one year each.

Thereafter the successors to each of the members shall serve terms of five years each.  All board members shall serve without compensation.

B.  Any vacancy occurring during a term shall be filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term by the authority that made the original appointment.

C.  The board shall elect from among its own members a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer, whose respective duties shall be prescribed by the board.  At the option of the board the office of the secretary and treasurer may be held by one person.  The board shall meet in regular session once each month, and shall also meet in special session at the call of the president of the board, or on the written request of five members of the board.  Four members of the board shall constitute a quorum and all action or resolutions of the board must be approved by the affirmative vote of not less than four members of the board, and by a majority of members present, and the president of the board shall vote in all instances.  The board shall prescribe rules to govern its meetings and shall fix the place at which meetings shall be held.

D.  The board may authorize a reasonable travel allowance for its members in the performance of their official duties, and it may employ such officers, agents and employees as it may find necessary in the performance of its duties, and may prescribe the duties, powers and compensation of such officers, agents and employees.

Acts 1977, No. 203, §1; Acts 1991, No. 718, §1.

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