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      RS 34:2     


§2.  Confirmation not required; removal; procedure

All appointments of members of the board shall be made by the governor as provided in this Subpart and without the need for confirmation by the Senate.  No member thus appointed shall be removed except for cause on charges preferred against him in writing by the attorney general and after public hearing and proof of the sufficiency of the changes to justify his removal, before a commission of three disinterested citizens residing within the jurisdictional area of this port, one to be appointed by the governor, one to be appointed by the president of Tulane University of Louisiana, and one to be appointed by the president of Loyola University in New Orleans; however, any member so removed shall have the right to test in the courts the sufficiency of the charges and the evidence in support of the charges.

Amended by Acts 1976, No. 289, §1.

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