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      RS 34:203.2     


§203.2.  Transfer of property to the United States Navy

A.  Notwithstanding R.S. 34:203.1 or any other provision of law to the contrary, the board may, by majority vote of its members, transfer to the United States Navy, by sale, exchange, donation, cooperative endeavor, or otherwise, the following described property for the purpose of constructing a home port for the Navy, to wit:

(1)  Parcel No. 1, containing 0.34 acres more or less:

For a point of commencement, begin at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 16, Township 11 South, Range 9 West, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana; thence N 89° 21' 35" W 1725.98 feet along the East/West centerline of said Section 16; thence N 0° 38' 25" E 309.97 feet to the point of commencement and Corner No. 1, having Coordinates of X = 1,381,974.48, Y = 527,733.87; thence N 0° 38' 25" E 185.95 feet to Corner No. 2; having Coordinates of X = 1,381,976.56, Y = 527,919.81; thence continuing N 0° 38' 25" E 126 feet, more or less, to the Mean High Water Line; thence Westerly following the meanders of the Mean High Water Line 568 feet, more or less, along the South side of the Turning Basin of the Industrial Canal; having Coordinates of X = 1,381,416.67, Y = 528,188.87; the point of beginning; thence 1° 07' 59" E 381.54 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the Mean High Water Line having Coordinates of X = 1,381,424.17, Y = 528,570.34; thence Southwesterly following the meanders of the Mean High Water Line 370 feet, more or less, along the West side of said Turning Basin; thence Southeasterly following the meanders of the Mean High Water Line 80 feet, more or less, along the Southern side of said Turning Basin, to the point of beginning.

(2)  Parcel No. 2, containing 0.17 acres more or less:

For a point of commencement, begin at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 16, Township 11 South, Range 9 West, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana; thence N 89° 21' 35" W 1725.98 feet along the East/West centerline of said Section 16; thence N 0° 38' 25" E 309.97 feet to the point of commencement and Corner No. 1, having Coordinates X = 1,381,974.48, Y = 527,733.87; thence N 0° 38'25" E 185.95 feet to Corner No. 2; having Coordinates of X = 1,381,976.56, Y = 527,919.81; thence continuing N 0° 38'25" E 126 feet, more or less, to the Mean High Water Line; thence Westerly following the meanders of the Mean High Water Line 650 feet, more or less, along the South side of the Turning Basin of the Industrial Canal; thence Northerly following the meanders of the Mean High Water Line 410 feet, more or less, along the West side of said Turning Basin, having Coordinates of X = 1,381,433.31, Y = 529,035.48, the point of beginning; thence N 1° 07' 59" E 158.62 feet, more or less, to a corner having Coordinates of X = 1,381,436.43, Y = 529,194.07; thence N 88° 52' 01" W 91.32 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the Mean High Water Line along the Western side of said Turning Basin having Coordinates of X = 1,381,345.12, Y = 529,195.88; thence Southeasterly following the meanders of the Mean High Water Line 182 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.

B.  The bearings, distances, and coordinates cited in Subsection A of this Section are grid and are based on the Louisiana Coordinate System (Lambert) South zone.  The parcels are the same as those shown on the plat titled Exhibit "B" Boundary Survey for Submerged Land, Lake Charles Naval Station, prepared by Fromherz Engineers, Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana, dated March 11, 1987.

Acts 1988, No. 480, §1.

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