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      RS 34:2101     



§2101.  Creation of the West Calcasieu Port

A.  There is hereby created a district to be known as the West Calcasieu Port, which district shall be governed by a board of commissioners composed of five members, who shall be citizens of the United States and of the state of Louisiana, and who shall be domiciled in and residents of the district during their terms of office, and who shall be appointed to their terms of office, as follows:

(1)  One of the commissioners shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to approval of the city council of the city of Sulphur.

(2)  One of the commissioners shall be appointed by the city council of the city of Sulphur.

(3)  Three of the commissioners shall be appointed by the police jurors serving Ward Four of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, as follows: one appointed by the police jurors of Ward Four of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, which member shall reside in the unincorporated area of the parish within the district, one from a list of three nominees submitted by the Lake Charles General Trade Council, and one from a list of three nominees submitted by the West Calcasieu Association of Commerce.

B.  The commissioners, and their successors, shall serve terms of five years each.

C.(1)  Except as otherwise provided by law, any vacancy in the commission caused by death, resignation, moving out of the district, expiration of a term of office, or any other cause shall be filled by the respective authority that filled the original appointment for the office vacated or expired.

(2)  Concerning any vacancy occurring in the positions filled by nomination by the Lake Charles General Trade Council or the West Calcasieu Association of Commerce, the respective nominating organization shall submit its list of nominees within thirty days after being notified of the vacancy.  Thereafter the appointing authority shall designate the successor to the vacancy within thirty days after receipt of the list of nominees.  If the appointing authority fails to act within thirty days after the receipt of the list of nominees from the respective nominating organization, the respective nominating organization shall appoint from the list of nominees previously submitted to the appointing authority, a member to the board for the balance of the unexpired term or for the full term in the case of the filling of an unexpired term.

D.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, the members serving on the board whose terms expire in October, 1987, October, 1988, and October, 1989, shall be succeeded at the end of their terms or upon the occurrence of any vacancy by the appointee of the Calcasieu Parish police jurors of Ward Four.  The member serving on the board of commissioners on September 1, 1987, whose term expires in October, 1990, shall be succeeded at the end of his term or upon the occurrence of any vacancy by the appointee of the city council of the city of Sulphur.  The member serving on the board of commissioners on September 1, 1987, whose term expires in October, 1991, shall be succeeded at the end of his term or upon the occurrence of any vacancy by the appointee of the mayor of the city of Sulphur.

Added by Acts 1964, No. 68, §1.  Amended by Acts 1975, No. 238, §1; Acts 1977, No. 431, §1; Acts 1986, No. 472, §1; Acts 1987, No. 754, §1; Acts 2004, No. 119, §1.

NOTE:  See Acts 1986, No. 472, §§2 and 3.

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