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      RS 34:2304     


§2304.  Terms of office; vacancies

The parish members of the commission shall serve for terms of six years, except that the initial terms of office shall run from the date of appointment to the following dates:

Two members shall serve to July 1, 1967;

Two members shall serve to July 1, 1969; and

Three members shall serve to July 1, 1971.  

The governor shall designate the term of office of each initial parish member when he makes his appointments.  

The members-at-large shall serve for a term concurrent with that of the governor by whom appointed.  

Any vacancies occurring by reason of expiration of term of office or otherwise shall be filled by appointment of the governor in like manner as the original appointments.  An individual appointed to fill a vacancy occurring other than by reason of expiration of term of office shall be appointed to serve only for the unexpired portion of the term.  

Members shall continue to serve until their successors have been appointed and have taken their oaths of office and filed the same in accordance with law.  

Added by Acts 1965, No. 17, §4.  

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