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      RS 34:241     



§241.  Creation and territorial limits

The Port of Iberia District (formerly known as the "New Iberia Port District") heretofore created as a political subdivision of the state of Louisiana under the provisions of Act 128 of 1938, as amended by Act 446 of 1966 and Act 483 of 1974, is hereby declared to be and constitute a port, harbor, and terminal district pursuant to Section 31 of Article XIV of the constitution of the state of Louisiana for the year 1921, as amended, and as such, shall have all authority granted by said Section of the constitution as well as such authority, powers, and jurisdiction as may be hereinafter provided by this Part, and its territorial limits are fixed as follows:

Parts of Iberia Parish and Vermilion Parish described with particularity below:

Beginning at a point on the boundary line between St. Martin Parish and Iberia Parish, at the point where the centerline of La. 182 intersects said boundary line, thence Southeasterly along the centerline of La. 182 to its intersection with the centerline of La. 88; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of La. 88 to its intersection with the range line between R5E and R6E, and thence Southerly along said range line to its intersection with Parish Road 508; thence Westerly along said Parish Road 508 to its intersection with the centerline of U.S. Highway 90; thence Southeasterly along the centerline of U.S. 90 to its intersection with La. 3013; thence Southwesterly to a point 1000 feet from the Western right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 90; thence Southeasterly parallel to and 1000 feet from U.S.  Highway 90 to the Southwestern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 90, to the section line between Sections 20 and 21 T12S, R6E, Southwestern Land District; thence Southerly between Sections 20 and 21, and between Sections 29 and 28, to the North line of Section 87, T12S, R6E; thence in a straight line to the corner common to Sections 16, 19, and 20, in T13S, R6E; thence continuing South between Section 19 and 20, 37 and 38, 45 and 44, to the corner common to Sections 44, 45, 48, and 49, in T13S, R6E; thence Westerly between Sections 45 and 48 to the corner common to Sections 45, 46, 47, and 48, in T13S, R6E, thence South between Sections 47 and 48, T13S, R6E, and continuing South between Sections 5 and 6, 8 and 7 to the Northern shore of Vermilion Bay; thence Westerly and Southerly along the shoreline of Vermilion Bay to the Western shoreline of Southwest Pass; thence Westerly along the shoreline to a point on the most Westerly Western line of the Paul Rainey Wildlife and Game Refuge; thence South to the most Southerly limits of Vermilion Parish in the Gulf of Mexico; thence Easterly along the Southern Limits of Vermilion and Iberia Parishes to the Iberia--St. Mary Parish line; thence following the Iberia--St. Mary Parish line through West Cote Blanche Bay, East Cote Blanche Bay and Vermilion Bay, and continuing along the Iberia--St. Mary Parish line; thence along the lower part of St. Martin Parish and Iberia Parish; thence following the Iberia Parish and Assumption Parish line; thence following the line between Iberia and Iberville Parishes to a point where it reaches the Iberia--St. Martin Parish line; thence along said line to the intersection of Louisiana 182, the point of beginning.

Amended by Acts 1974, No. 483, §1; Acts 1978, No. 486, §1.

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