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      RS 34:244     


§244.  Officers of board; meetings; agents and employees

The board shall elect from among its own members a president, vice president, a secretary and treasurer, whose duties shall be those usual to such offices.  At the option of the board, the offices of secretary and treasurer may be held by one person.  The board shall meet in regular session once each month and shall also meet in special session as often as the president of the board shall convene them or on written request of four members; four members of the board shall constitute a quorum.  The board shall prescribe rules to govern its meetings, shall maintain suitable offices in the district, and may contract with and employ attorneys, clerks, engineers, deputy commissioners, superintendents, stevedores, and other agents and employees and shall fix their compensation and term of employment.

Amended by Acts 1978, No. 486, §1.

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