§2473. Jurisdictional boundaries; rights and powers of commission and executive director
A. The commission shall exercise the powers herein conferred upon it within the port
area consisting of the parishes of St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, and St. James as the
boundaries and limits are presently fixed by law.
B.(1) The commission shall, upon the record vote of a majority of its membership,
authorize a reasonable travel allowance for its members for each and every trip in the
performance of their official duties, and other reasonable expenses.
(2) The commission shall execute a work contract with an executive director for the
port for a period of not less than one year nor more than three years.
(3) The executive director shall employ officers, agents, and employees as the
executive director finds necessary in the performance of his duties and may prescribe the
duties, powers, and compensation of the officers, agents, and employees. The executive
director may execute work contracts with the unclassified employees of the port at a salary
which does not exceed seventy-five percent of the salary paid the executive director for a
period of not more than two years. The executive director shall contract for legal, financial,
engineering, and other professional services necessary or expedient in the conduct of the
port's affairs. All contracts for professional services for an amount exceeding the amount
allowed by the commission bylaws shall not be binding or effective until approved by the
commission in a public meeting by a record vote of the majority of its membership. In
addition, all contracts for professional services exceeding one hundred twenty-five thousand
dollars shall be subject to the provisions of R.S. 39:1595(B) governing requests for proposals
and cancellation thereof. The executive director may, upon terms and conditions mutually
agreeable, utilize the services of the executive departments of the state.
C.(1) The port shall, through its executive director with the approval of the
commission, regulate the commerce and traffic using the public facilities administered by the
port within the port area in a manner as may, in his judgment, be for the best interest of the
(2) The executive director shall on behalf of the port have charge of and administer
public wharves, docks, sheds, and landings and shall have the following powers on behalf
of the port:
(a) To acquire property, construct, or acquire and equip wharves and landings,
industrial parks, and other structures useful for the commerce of the port area and to provide
mechanical facilities therefor.
(b) To erect sheds or other structures on such wharves and landings.
(c) To maintain proper depths of water at all the public wharves and landings.
(d) To provide electrical power, water, natural gas, sewer service, police protection,
and other services for the facilities within the port area as the executive director may deem
(e) To construct or acquire, maintain and operate basins, locks, canals, warehouses,
industrial facilities, and elevators.
(f) To charge for the use of all facilities administered by the port and for all services
rendered by it such fees, rates, tariffs, or other legal charges.
(g) To establish harbor lines within the port area by agreement with the United States
Corps of Engineers.
(h) To construct, own, operate, and maintain terminal rail facilities and other
common carrier rail facilities for the purpose of rendering rail transportation to and from the
facilities to be erected, owned, and operated by the port through its executive director in both
intrastate and interstate commerce.
(3) The port may, through its executive director, upon a record vote of a majority of
the commission, acquire and operate airports within its territorial jurisdiction together with
all property and facilities located thereon, and any land as the commission may deem
necessary for the present and future operations of said airport.
(4) The legislature may confer additional powers upon the commission and the
executive director; however, it shall not impair any contract lawfully entered into by the
commission or the executive director.
(5) Title to all property or improvements acquired from the proceeds of any bond
issued under the provisions of R.S. 34:2474 or other provision of state law and title to any
improvements on such property shall vest in the port. Title to all other property or
improvements acquired, regardless of the time of acquisition or source of funding, shall vest
in the port.
D. The port may charge a reasonable fee to each vessel using the facilities within the
port area in ballast or carrying cargo of any kind. It also may charge a reasonable fee for
inspecting hatches, surveying cargo, or making other surveys or inspections of vessels using
the facilities within the port area.
E. The port shall through its executive director, upon a record vote of a majority of
the commission, make and enter into contracts, leases, and other agreements with railroads,
trucking companies, bargelines, and with any and all companies interested in the
transportation, storage, and shipping of goods and other products, whether by rail, truckline,
bargeline, oceangoing vessels, or otherwise for the use of facilities of the port or any part or
portion thereon, for a period of time not exceeding eighty years. However, no exclusive
franchise shall be granted to any carrier.
F.(1) Any contracts for a duration of more than one year or any contract when the
contract amount exceeds the amount allowed by the commission bylaws, except contracts
for employment of unclassified personnel, which are entered into by the executive director
in the discharge of his official duties as provided in this Chapter shall not be binding or
effective until approved by the commission by a record vote of the majority of its
(2) All purchases which exceed the amount allowed by the commission bylaws from
one person, corporation, or entity entered into by the executive director shall receive the prior
approval of the commission by a record vote of a majority of its membership.
(3) The port shall contract for an annual independent audit. An auditor, acceptable
to the legislative auditor, shall be contracted with by the chairman of the commission and the
chairman of the finance committee and shall be approved by a record vote of a majority of
the commission membership.
G. The executive director shall have general supervisory authority over the daily
operations, forces, and functions of the port.
Acts 1975, No. 65, §1. Amended by Acts 1982, No. 664, §1; Acts 1985, No. 604,
§1, eff. July 13, 1985; Acts 1985, No. 821, §1; Acts 1986, No. 557, §1; Acts 1987, No. 441,
§1, eff. July 9, 1987; Acts 1997, No. 1023, §1, eff. July 11, 1997; Acts 1999, No. 852, §1,
eff. July 2, 1999; Acts 2004, No. 307, §1; Acts 2014, No. 698, §1; Acts 2019, No. 64, §1;
Acts 2023, No. 102, §1.