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      RS 34:29     


§29.  Borrowing power; issuance of notes and bonds

A.  The Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, without further legislative enactment, may borrow money and issue notes and bonds pursuant to the provisions of this Section and under the following conditions:

(1)  With the approval of the governor and the State Bond Commission, it may for its public purposes, borrow on notes for temporary loans, payable within one year, and in addition, may borrow money in anticipation of the collection of charges for wharfage, tollage, storage service, and other charges which have been actually earned but have not yet been received.

(2)  It may borrow from any person or corporation using a marine facility or warehouse or who desires to have a marine facility or warehouse constructed or improved such sums as are necessary to construct or improve the marine facility or warehouse according to plans and specifications approved by the board, and may erect, construct, or improve such marine facility or warehouse and agree that the loan therefor shall be liquidated by deducting from the dockage, wharfage, sheddage, tollage, or other charges payable for such property a percentage thereof to be agreed on.

B.  Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 719, §2.

C.  The board, with the approval of the governor and State Bond Commission, may borrow money and issue bonds to refund bonded indebtedness heretofore incurred or hereafter to be incurred and maturing and becoming payable within one year of the date of such refunding.

D.  All bonds issued under the foregoing provisions, except as otherwise expressly provided, shall run not more than fifty years from date, shall be issued in serial form, payable in annual installments commencing not more than ten years from date, and the amount payable each year for principal and interest to be as nearly equal as practicable.  Refunding bonds issued hereunder shall be payable in annual installments commencing not more than one year from date.  All of the bonds shall have the same exemption from taxation, the same privileges of registration and release from registration, and the same eligibility for deposit with the state or its officers or any of its political subdivisions or municipalities as was granted by Article 321 of the Constitution of 1913 to the bonds therein authorized.  Tutors of minors and curators of interdicts may invest the funds in their hands in any of such bonds.

E.  No bonds issued hereunder shall be sold for less than par and accrued interest or bear a greater rate of interest than the maximum authorized by R.S. 39:1424 or 1425 as the same now exists or may be hereafter amended, payable annually or semiannually.

F.  The interest on all bonds issued hereunder shall be payable semiannually.  The board shall place on deposit with the treasurer of the state of Louisiana, to the credit of an account or accounts to be known as interest accounts, in such manner as is provided in the proceedings to issue the bonds, an amount equal to the interest on all bonds that may have been delivered.  In addition, the board, in each year when any of the bonds become due and payable, shall deposit with the treasurer, to the credit of an account or accounts to be known as redemption accounts, the principal amount of all bonds maturing or becoming payable.  Such deposits shall be made with the treasurer not less than thirty days prior to the date such moneys become payable.  The treasurer shall collect such deposits as aforesaid, and in the case of failure on the part of the board to make deposits in an amount sufficient to provide for the payment of principal or interest due or to become due, the treasurer shall collect the charges and revenues of the port and apply the same, after providing for necessary operating expenses and any prior charges, to the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds.  For that purpose and for such time as is necessary, the treasurer is hereby authorized to exercise all powers and duties vested in the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans.  Both principal and interest due on the bonds shall be payable through state fiscal agent banks or other duly authorized agents as designated in the bonds.  The accounts of the board shall be subject to audit and investigation by the legislative auditor.

G.  The board may acquire real and personal property subject to mortgage or other lien and may make or execute purchase money mortgages on property acquired.

H.  In determining the surplus of the revenues of the port as a basis for bond issues, the interest upon mortgages or moneys charged upon any property acquired subject to mortgage or lien and a sufficient amount to amortize the charge or lien before its maturity shall be deducted from the earnings of such property, and only the surplus remaining after such deduction and after the payment of the expenses of operation and maintenance of such property shall be included as a part of the surplus earnings of the port for said basis.  The board may issue receipts negotiable or otherwise for property or merchandise in its charge or possession.

I.  Nothing contained in this Section shall prejudice the right of the holder of any bonds of the port now outstanding.

J.  Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed to limit the powers of the board of commissioners of the Port of New Orleans under any other provision of law to issue bonds or other obligations.

Added by Acts 1975, No. 464, §1.  Amended by Acts 1976, No. 449, §1; Acts 2004, No. 719, §§1, 2.

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