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      RS 34:328     


§328.  Contracts; bids; bond

A.  Whenever any work is to be let by contract under the provisions of this Part, the price of which is to exceed the amount permitted under state law for contracts by the state or its subdivisions without bid, the board of commissioners shall proceed to provide, through its engineering department or professional services provider, proper specifications for the work or materials required, and thereafter the board shall advertise for bids for the performance of such work according to the plans and specifications as prepared.

B.  Contracts for works aggregating less than the contract limit, as defined in R.S. 38:2212 shall not be advertised unless the board deems it advisable.  Contracts for public works aggregating less than the contract limit, as defined in R.S. 38:2212, but in excess of ten thousand dollars, may be let in accordance with R.S. 38:2212(E).  In letting of contracts for the purchase of materials, supplies, and equipment for which advertising is not required, the district shall comply with the provisions of R.S. 38:2212.1.

C.(1)  This Section shall not apply in cases of extreme public emergency where such emergency has been certified by the board, and notice of such emergency has been published in the official journal of the district within ten days of certification by the board.

(2)  For the purposes of this Section, an "extreme public emergency", as it applies to construction, repairs, or alterations, shall exist when an unforeseen mischance brings with it destruction of life or property in the district or the imminent threat of such destruction, or when the district must immediately undertake construction or repairs to comply with a court order.  An extreme public emergency shall also include any situation which would result in immediate and serious economic loss to the Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District, however, it shall not include the cost of new construction unless it is for needed repair to existing operating facilities and it shall not include the cost of necessary labor used in the maintenance of completed works.  Nothing contained herein shall prevent the board from authorizing the construction of works with the district's own workforce and equipment under the board's supervision.

D.  Whenever the board determines that it is in the best interest of the district to purchase machinery, equipment, or vehicles of certain makes, kinds, or types, the advertisement may specify the makes, kinds, or types, and after the advertisement, the board may purchase those makes, kinds, or types, but they shall not pay more than the standard market price for the makes, kinds, or types of the machinery, equipment, or vehicles.

E.  Except as otherwise provided in this Part, the provisions of Chapter 10 of Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 shall apply to the Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District.

Acts 1952, No. 530, §8.  Amended by Acts 1976, No. 216, §1; Acts 1999, No. 1152, §1; Acts 2008, No. 289, §1, eff. June 17, 2008.

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