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      RS 34:333.1     



§333.1.  Creation and territorial limits

The Abbeville Harbor and Terminal District is hereby created as a political subdivision of the state of Louisiana and its territorial limits are hereby fixed as follows:

All of Wards 3 and 7 of Vermilion Parish, and the Western portion of Ward 2 of said parish, being more particularly described as follows: beginning at a point on the common boundary line of Wards 2 and 3 formed by the intersection of the centerline of Youngs Coulee and the West line of Fractional Section 8, T 13 S-R 4 E, thence in a Southerly direction through T 13 S-R 4 E along the West lines of Fractional Section 17, Section 20, Section 29, and Section 32 to the North Line of T 14 S-R 4 E, thence continuing southerly through T 14 S-R 4 E, along the West lines of Sections 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 to the North Line of T 15 S-R 4 E, thence continuing through T 15 S-R 4 E, in a southerly direction along the West Line of Sections 6 and 7 to the Vermilion Bay Shoreline, thence in a Southeasterly direction through Vermilion Bay to a point located on the common boundary line between Vermilion Parish Wards 2 and 7 whose geographic position is 29°42'30" North Latitude; 92°05'00" West Longitude thence due West along the parallel of 29°42'30" North Latitude to another point in Vermilion Bay whose position is 29°42'30" North Latitude; 92°10'00" West Longitude; thence in a North Northeast direction to a point near Shell Island now occupied by Vermilion River Entrance Day Beacon 18 (formerly Vermilion River Entrance Light) whose position is 29°45'14.5" North Latitude 92°08'52.3" West Longitude; thence in a direct line to the Mouth of Vermilion River; thence up the center of the natural channel of the Vermilion River to the center of the Intracoastal Waterway; thence eastward along the center of the Intracoastal Waterway; to the point of function of the Intracoastal Waterways, Vermilion Channel and Vermilion River; thence up the center of the Vermilion River in its Natural Channel, not the artificial as created by channel improvement to the Mouth of Youngs Coulee, being also the intersection of the East line of Ward 7, the West line of Ward 2 and the South line of Ward 3, thence up the center of the Youngs Coulee Channel, being also the common boundary to Wards 2 and 3, in an easterly direction, to the west line of Fractional Section 8, T 13 S-R 4 E being the point of beginning.

Acts 1954, No. 253, §1.  Amended by Acts 1978, No. 175, §1.

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