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      RS 34:334.2     


§334.2.  Board of commissioners; appointment and qualifications of members; terms of office; compensation

The governing authority of said district is hereby declared to be a board of commissioners, consisting of five members, who shall be citizens of the United States and qualified voters and taxpayers within the limits of said district during the term of office.  The said commissioners shall be appointed as follows:

(1)  Three members to be appointed by the mayor and town council of the town of Vinton, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

(2)  Two members to be appointed by the police jury of the parish of Calcasieu, state of Louisiana.

The commissioners initially appointed shall be appointed for terms respectively of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years, to be determined as follows: Initially the commissioners appointed for terms of 1, 3 and 5 years shall be appointed by the mayor and town council of the town of Vinton, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, and those commissioners appointed for terms of 2 and 4 years shall be appointed by the police jury of the parish of Calcasieu, state of Louisiana.  Any vacancy in any original term shall be filled in the manner for original appointments.  Any vacancy occurring due to expiration of the original term shall be filled by the board of commissioners, for the term of five years, from a panel of names submitted to them as follows:

Two names to be submitted by each of the following:

(1)  The governing authority of the town of Vinton, Louisiana.

(2)  The police jury of the parish of Calcasieu, Louisiana.

Added by Acts 1956, No. 466, §1.

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