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      RS 34:334.32     


§334.32.  Board of commissioners; members; vacancy; composition; officers; agents and employees

A.  A board of commissioners hereinafter referred to as the board, is hereby created, which shall be the governing authority of said district.  It shall consist of nine members, who shall be citizens of the United States and qualified voters within the limits of said district during their term of office.  The commissioners shall be appointed as follows:

(1)  Three shall be appointed by the mayor and council of the city of Franklin in St. Mary Parish;

(2)  One shall be appointed by the mayor and aldermen of the town of Baldwin in St. Mary Parish;

(3)  Two shall be appointed by the St. Mary Parish Police Jury, to be selected from the persons residing in Wards 1, 2, 7, and 10 of St. Mary Parish;

(4)  Two shall be appointed by the St. Mary Parish Police Jury, to be selected from the persons residing in Wards 3 and 4 of St. Mary Parish; and

(5)  One shall be appointed by the St. Mary Parish Police Jury, to be selected at large from the persons residing in that portion of St. Mary Parish which comprises the district.

B.  The commissioner initially appointed by the mayor and aldermen of the town of Baldwin shall be appointed for a term of two years.  Two of the three commissioners initially appointed by the mayor and council of the city of Franklin shall be appointed for a term of three years.  One of the three commissioners initially appointed by the mayor and council of the city of Franklin and one of the two members initially appointed by the parish governing authority from Wards 3 and 4 shall be appointed for a term of four years.  One of the commissioners initially appointed by the parish governing authority from Wards 3 and 4 and one of the commissioners initially appointed by the parish governing authority from Wards 1, 2, 7, and 10 shall be appointed for a term of five years.  One of the commissioners initially appointed by the parish governing authority from Wards 1, 2, 7, and 10 and shall be appointed for six year terms.  The commissioners initially appointed by the parish governing authority at large shall be appointed for a seven year term.  Thereafter, the successors to each of such commissioners shall be appointed for terms of seven years, and each successor shall be appointed by the same authority that appointed his predecessor.

C.  Any vacancy occurring during a term shall be filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term by authority that made the original appointment.

D.  The commissioners shall serve without compensation and shall have the power to organize and reorganize legal, executive, engineering, clerical and other departments and forces of said board and to fix the duties, powers and compensation of all officers, agents and employees under said board.

Added by Acts 1974, No. 604, §1.  Amended by Acts 1975, No. §1.

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