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      RS 34:338.3     


§338.3.  Issuance of bonds

When authorized as provided herein, each port, harbor and terminal district may issue bonds and pledge the proceeds of the special tax herein provided for, or any part thereof, to the payment of such bonds and shall use the proceeds from the sale of the bonds for the purposes of the district.  Any such bonds so issued shall be solely the obligations of the district, for which the full faith and credit of the district may be pledged, and shall not be obligations of the state and a recital to this effect shall be contained in the bonds.  The bonds shall be authorized by a resolution of the governing authority of the district and shall be of such series, bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not exceeding forty years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or rates not exceeding six percentum per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon or fully registered without coupons, carry such registration and exchangeability privilege, be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places, be subject to such terms of redemption not exceeding 105% of the principal amount thereof, and be entitled to such priority on the revenues of the district as such resolution or resolutions may provide.  The bonds shall be signed by such officers as the district shall determine, and coupon bonds shall have attached thereto interest coupons bearing the facsimile signatures of such officer or officers of the district as it shall designate.  Any such bonds may be issued and delivered notwithstanding that one or more of the officers signing such bonds or the officer or officers whose facsimile signature or signatures may be upon the coupons shall have ceased to be such officer or officers at the time such bonds shall actually have been delivered.  The bonds shall be sold for not less than par and accrued interest, to the highest bidder at a public sale after advertisement by the district at least once a week for not less than thirty days in a newspaper of general circulation within the district and in a financial newspaper or journal published in New Orleans, New York or Chicago, reserving to the district the right to reject any and all bids and to re-advertise for bids.  If after advertisement as hereinabove provided no bids are received or if such bids as are received are considered in the discretion of the governing authority of the district to be unsatisfactory, then in that event the said governing authority may publicly negotiate for the sale of such bonds without further advertisement.  No proceedings in respect to the issuance of any such bonds shall be necessary except such as are provided herein.  For a period of thirty days from the date of publication of the resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds hereunder, any persons in interest shall have the right to contest the legality of the resolution and the legality of the bond issue for any cause, after which time no one shall have any cause or right of action to contest the legality of the resolution or of the bonds authorized thereby for any cause whatsoever.  If no suit, action or proceeding is begun contesting the validity of the bond issue within the thirty days herein prescribed, the authority to issue the bonds and to provide for the payment thereof, the legality thereof and of all of the provisions of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds shall be conclusively presumed, and no court shall have authority to inquire into such matters.  Such bonds shall have all the qualities of negotiable instruments under the law merchant and the negotiable instrument law of Louisiana.

Acts 1969, No. 43, §3.

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