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      RS 34:45     


§45.  Lease of lands; construction of improvements; payment of improvements

A.  The contract made by Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans with the city of New Orleans under date August 16, 1918 through the Public Belt Railroad Commission, to carry into effect Act No. 3 of 1918 in relation to the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal is hereby ratified and confirmed.  The board shall have power to lease for manufacturing, commercial, and business purposes lands acquired for the navigation canal.  Such leases may run for a term not exceeding ninety-nine years at a fixed rental, without any provision for renewal, readjustment, or reappraisement as the board may determine.

B.  The board may also construct warehouses, elevators, and other buildings and improvements upon the navigation canal.

Added by Acts 1975, No. 464, §1.

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