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      RS 34:815     


§815.  Costs; stipulation for payment; insufficiency of release bond

In all cases the court may, on the filing of the petition or the appearance of any respondent or claimant, or at any other time, require the plaintiff or claimant or both, the State of Louisiana, the agencies and the political subdivisions thereof excepted, to give a stipulation or additional stipulation with sufficient sureties in such sum as the court shall direct to pay all costs which may be awarded against either of them by the final decree of the court or on an appeal by any appellate court.  In the event that any party considers that the surety on any release bond filed has become insufficient or insolvent after the filing of the bond, on application to the court and due showing of such insufficiency or insolvency, the court shall order a proper and solvent surety to be furnished within a time to be fixed by the court; and if the bond is not filed within such delay, the party obligated to file it shall be in default and thereafter the cause shall proceed just as if no appearance had been entered by him.

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