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      RS 34:851.22     


§851.22.  Exemption from numbering system

A.  A motorboat shall not be required to be numbered under this Part if it is:

(1)  Already covered by a number in full force and effect which has been awarded to it pursuant to federal law or a federally approved numbering system of another state; however, such boat shall not have been within this state for a period in excess of ninety consecutive days.

(2)  A motorboat from a country other than the United States temporarily using the waters of this state.

(3)  A public vessel of the United States, a state, or a subdivision thereof.

(4)  A ship's lifeboat.

B.  A sailboat shall not be required to be numbered under this Part if it is:

(1)  Twelve feet or less in length.

(2)  A vessel commonly known as a sailboard, where the craft is designed for one person and operated in the standing position.

Acts 1990, No. 894, §1.

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