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      RS 34:851.23     


§851.23.  Boat liveries; numbering of manufacturer's and dealer's boats

A.  Neither the owner of a boat livery nor his agent or employee shall permit any motorboat, sailboat, or any vessel designed or permitted by him to be operated as a motorboat or sailboat to depart from his premises unless it shall have been provided, either by owner or renter, with the equipment required pursuant to R.S. 34:851.24 and any rules and regulations made pursuant thereto.

B.(1)  A manufacturer of or dealer in motorboats or sailboats owning or operating any motorboat or sailboat for sale, demonstration, or trading purposes but not used in the operation of such business otherwise or for pleasure purposes, in lieu of registering such motorboats or sailboats, shall obtain a registration number from the commission by applying therefor upon the proper official form and the payment of a registration fee of fifty dollars for a three-year period.  Renewals shall be made in the same manner.

(2)  The manufacturer or dealer may have the number awarded printed upon or attached to removable signs to be temporarily but firmly mounted upon or attached to the boats being demonstrated or tested so long as the display meets the requirements.

(3)  The word "DEALER" in letters of not less than one and a half inches shall appear below the awarded number.

(4)  The number awarded may, during the registration period for which issued, be transferred from one motorboat or sailboat to another owned or operated by the manufacturer or dealer who procured the number.

Acts 1984, No. 288, §1; Acts 1986, No. 521, §1, eff. Oct. 1, 1986; Acts 1990, No. 894, §1; Acts 2007, No. 83, §1.

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