§945. Additional pilots; examination; procedure for appointment
A. Whenever there exists a necessity for more bar pilots the board of
examiners shall hold examinations for all applicants who have registered with
them for these posts under rules, regulations, and requirements adopted in
accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act. Applicants having
satisfactorily passed these examinations shall be recommended by the board
to the governor for appointment. Notices of the filing of such recommendation
giving the names and addresses of persons recommended, shall be given by the
board to the president of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New
Orleans and the president of the Board of Trade of New Orleans. If they have
objection to any appointment they shall, within five days from receipt of this
notice, file with the governor a written protest against the appointment, setting
forth their objections, which protest shall be considered and passed upon by
the governor; the governor shall thereupon appoint or decline to appoint the
B. The chairman of the board of examiners shall issue identification
cards to all qualified bar pilots, attesting to the fact that they are commissioned
and qualified.
C. The board of examiners shall also:
(1) Promulgate rules and regulations in accordance with the
Administrative Procedure Act establishing minimum standards of conduct for
bar pilots including neglect of duty, drunkenness, carelessness, habitual
intemperance, substance abuse incompetency, unreasonable absence from
duty, and general bad conduct, and make other rules and regulations for the
proper and safe pilotage upon the waters covered by this Subpart and for the
efficient administration of this Subpart.
(2) Conduct hearings pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act,
including the right to subpoena documents and witnesses pursuant to R.S.
49:975.1, and to investigate the violation of any provisions of this Subpart or
rules or regulations adopted by the board of examiners, and to report all
findings and conclusions to the governor should the board request action by
the governor.
(3) Have the authority to impose a fine of not more than five hundred
dollars upon any bar pilot, to reprimand or remove from a vessel any bar pilot,
or to recommend to the governor that the commission of any bar pilot be
suspended or revoked, if after a hearing conducted in accordance with the
Administrative Procedure Act, a bar pilot is found in violation of a provision
of this Subpart or of any rule or regulation adopted by the board of examiners.
In any event, the board of examiners shall have the authority to suspend a bar
pilot's commission in accordance with R.S. 49:977.3(C).
(4) Provide all bar pilots and bar pilot candidates with copies of its
rules and regulations.
Amended by Acts 1988, No. 418, §1, eff. July 10, 1988.