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      RS 39:1336     


§1336.  Format of budget submission

A.  Standard forms to be used for annual budget submission by licensing agencies shall be developed jointly by the legislative auditor and the legislative fiscal office and submitted to the committee for its approval.  These forms shall be based to the extent practicable on the forms for agency budget requests as required by R.S. 39:45,* shall conform to the fiscal year of the state, and shall include but not be limited to the following:

(1)  A budget message signed by the budget preparer which shall include a summary description of the proposed financial plan, policies, and objectives and assumptions.

(2)  Narrative explanations describing the purpose and functions of the licensing agency.

(3)  Statements for the last completed fiscal year, estimates covering the entire current fiscal year, and projections for the ensuing fiscal year, as follows:

(a)  A statement showing fund balances of the licensing agency at the beginning of each year and at the conclusion of each fiscal year.

(b)  A statement of revenues and receipts, itemized by source.

(c)  Detailed comparative statements of expenditures itemized by source of funds and expenditure category by each major function, program, or service.

(d)  Clearly defined indicators of the quantity and quality of performance of agency functions, including number of individuals certified, number and complexity of investigations conducted, number of revocations or suspensions of licensure, number of certification examinations performed, and other indicators relevant to the licensing functions performed.

(e)  Participation of agency personnel and board members in state employee benefit programs, including insurance and retirement programs.

B.  The legislative auditor is hereby empowered and directed to promulgate and distribute to licensing agencies the standard forms approved by the committee for use in annual budget submission to the committee.

Acts 1989, No. 751, §2, eff. July 8, 1989.


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