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      RS 39:1471     


§1471.  Authorization of short-term revenue notes

A.  Any public entity which is now or hereafter authorized by the constitution or statutes of the state of Louisiana to issue revenue bonds may authorize the issuance of the revenue bonds in the form of short-term revenue notes from time to time in one or more series as part of a commercial paper financing program adopted by the public entity.

B.  Short-term revenue notes may be issued for any of the authorized purposes specified in the constitutional or statutory authority and shall be payable from the revenue sources prescribed in the constitutional or statutory authority or, in the alternative, may be payable from the proceeds of short-term revenue notes approved pursuant to said financing program.

C.  The short-term revenue notes authorized pursuant to the financing program of the public entity shall be issued by the public entity in the manner and in accordance with the terms and provisions of the constitutional or statutory authority, which authorizes the issuance of revenue bonds of the public entity, with the following exceptions.

(1)(a)  In the event that the public entity is required to publish a notice of sale of revenue bonds pursuant to said constitutional or statutory authority, a single notice of sale may be published with the same force and effect set forth in the constitutional or statutory authority in lieu of a separate notice of sale for each series of short-term revenue notes.

(b)  The notice of sale shall be subject to the approval of the State Bond Commission, shall describe the financing program, and shall specify:

(i)  The purpose or purposes for which the proposed short-term revenue notes are to be issued,

(ii)  The maximum principal amount of the short-term revenue notes which may be outstanding at any one time, and

(iii)  The maximum interest rate of the short-term revenue notes.

(2)  In the event that any approval by any state or local board, agency, public official, or commission is required to be obtained as a prerequisite to the issuance or sale of revenue bonds pursuant to the constitutional or statutory authority, a single approval may be obtained from the board, agency, public official, or commission with respect to the financing program, and the public entity shall not be required to obtain a separate approval with respect to each series of short-term revenue notes issued pursuant to the program.

(3)  The public entity may, in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the short-term revenue notes, fix the dates, price, interest rates, maturities, and other specified terms of the short-term revenue notes or, in the event of anticipated rollovers or renewals of the short-term revenue notes, the public entity may, in the alternative, authorize one or more of its officers or members to fix the terms and to effect the sale and delivery of the short-term revenue notes upon such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by resolution of the public entity.

(4)  In the event that any state agency or commission is required pursuant to the constitutional or statutory authority to sell revenue bonds on behalf of the public entity, the state agency or commission may delegate to one or more of its officers, members, or employees, authority to sell the short-term revenue notes upon such terms and conditions as may be specified by resolution of the state agency or commission.

Acts 1984, No. 102, §1, eff. June 15, 1984.

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