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      RS 39:1958     


NOTE: This provision of law was included in the Unconstitutional Statutes Biennial Report to the Legislature, dated March 14, 2016.

§1958. Reporting enterprise participation

           A. Each state agency and educational institution shall report to the division and the Louisiana Commission on Human Rights the participation of enterprises in the public works and procurement contracts executed by the state agency or educational institution. The report shall be made on a quarterly basis and on an annual basis. The reports should designate contracts individually or by class according to the state agency's or educational institution's designation in its annual set-aside plan. Each contract or class of contracts may be further described by assigned computer code. In addition, a report of participation and compliance shall be submitted to the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance prior to April first of each year.

           B. Participation by enterprises should be reported both when the contract is awarded and when the money is disbursed. For contracts for procurement of goods and services, the disbursement should be reported in the quarter in which it is made. For public works contracts, disbursement of funds under all contracts completed in the quarter should be reported. When the performance under a contract extends beyond the fiscal year in which it is awarded, the contract shall be counted toward the state agency's or educational institution's overall annual goal for the year in which it is awarded.

           C. Determination of enterprise participation toward meeting a state agency's or educational institution's overall annual goals shall be as follows:

           (1) When a contract is awarded in its entirety to an enterprise, one hundred percent of the payments on the contract shall be counted toward the overall annual goal attainment.

           (2) When a contract is awarded to an enterprise prime contractor, one hundred percent of the total contract value shall be counted toward the overall annual goal attainment.

           (3) When only a part of the contract is performed by an enterprise, the dollar value of only that percentage of the total contract performed by the enterprise shall be counted toward the overall annual goal attainment.

           (4) When a contract is awarded to a joint venture that includes an enterprise that is responsible for performance of a clearly defined portion of the work, the dollar value on a percentage basis of the enterprise's portion of the work shall be counted toward the overall annual goal attainment.

           (5) When an enterprise that has been awarded a contract is decertified after award or has indicated after award that it is unable or unwilling to perform the contract, the state agency or educational institution shall not count the enterprise participation toward its overall annual goal attainment.

           (6) When an enterprise is decertified after it has begun to perform the work, only the percentage of the work performed by the enterprise before the decertification shall be counted toward the overall annual goal attainment.

           (7) When a change order is executed, the total dollar value of a contract used for the attainment of a state agency's or educational institution's overall annual goal may be increased or decreased to reflect the change order.

           Acts 1984, No. 653, §1, eff. July 1, 1984; Acts 1992, No. 797, §2, eff. July 1, 1992.

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