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      RS 40:1023.1     


§1023.1.  Prohibited acts; unmarried persons under seventeen years of age

A.  It is unlawful for any person, corporation, or association to sell, lend, rent, lease, give, exchange, exhibit, display, or distribute to any unmarried person under the age of seventeen any drug paraphernalia.

B.  The unlawful sale, loan, rent, lease, gift, exchange, exhibition, display, or distribution of drug paraphernalia to any unmarried person under the age of seventeen is the intentional sale, loan, rent, lease, gift, exchange, exhibition, display, or distribution of drug paraphernalia to any unmarried person under the age of seventeen years, at any newsstand, record store, tape store or any other commercial establishment which is open to persons under the age of seventeen years.

C.  It shall be unlawful to invite or permit any unmarried person under the age of seventeen to be in any commercial establishment that exhibits or displays any item, material, work, or object of any kind that is defined as drug paraphernalia pursuant to this Part.

D.  Lack of knowledge of age or marital status shall not constitute a defense, unless the defendant shows that he had reasonable cause to believe that the minor involved was either married or seventeen years of age or more and that the minor exhibited to the defendant a draft card, driver's license, birth certificate, or other official or apparently official document purporting to establish that such person was either married or seventeen years of age or more.

Acts 1990, No. 398, §1, eff. July 18, 1990; Acts 2006, No. 676, §3, eff. July 1, 2006.

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