§938.1. Office of entertainment industry development created
A. The office of entertainment industry development is hereby created in Louisiana Economic Development.
B. The office shall:
(1) Advise the department on all matters relative to the development and expansion of digital media, music, film, motion picture, video, commercial television, and still photography industries in the state, including development of the state strategic plan for digital media, music, and film and television production.
(2) Monitor the implementation of the state marketing and promotion plan for digital media, music, television, and filmmaking.
(3) Administer the Louisiana Motion Picture Incentive Act, the Louisiana Digital Media Act, and the Louisiana Sound Recording Investor Tax Credit Program.
C.(1) The secretary of Louisiana Economic Development shall appoint personnel to fill positions as provided by law to administer the functions of the office.
(2) In order to carry out the functions of the office, the department may employ such administrative, technical, and other personnel as may be necessary to accomplish said functions and for which funds are made available.
D. The office shall promote the development of the digital media, music, film, and television industries within this state and may engage in the following activities:
(1) Develop and implement the state strategic plan for digital media, music, and film and television production. The purpose of the plan shall be to design a program for the preparation and distribution of promotional and informational materials citing the key economic benefits of basing digital media, music, and film and television production in Louisiana.
(2) Contract with and direct a trade or an industry representative for the purpose of promoting Louisiana for digital media, music, and film and television production.
(3) Serve as an informational clearinghouse and provide technical assistance to individuals and entities engaged in digital media, music, and film and television production by:
(a) Compiling, producing, publishing, and updating a comprehensive directory on sites, facilities, services, tax incentives, and permitting practices and procedures in Louisiana and a digital production services manual.
(b) Providing location assistance, including location of props, upon request.
(c) Providing technical assistance to indigenous filmmakers and television, digital media, and music producers so as to encourage the development of their craft.
(d) Increase the digital media, music, and film and television production opportunities for new and emerging indigenous digital media, music, television, and filmmakers.
(4) Develop and administer a one-stop permitting service for use of state property, a standardized permit procedure for state agencies, and other permit services.
(5) Assist in obtaining permission to film at certain private locations.
(6) Participate in regional, national, and international digital media, music, and film and television promotional market places.
(7) Sponsor workshops, seminars, and festivals on digital media, music, and film and television production, including its legal and financial aspects, and assist with digital media, music, film, and television premieres and galas.
(8) Establish a partnership with the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism that provides for collaboration between the office of entertainment industry development and the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism to advance, through strategic initiatives, Louisiana's cultural economy.
E. All departments, commissions, boards, agencies, officers, and institutions of the state of Louisiana and all subdivisions thereof shall cooperate with the office in carrying out the purposes of this Section.
F. The department is hereby designated as the applicant, administrative body, and recipient for accepting and administering any and all state, federal, and private funds awarded to and allocated by the state of Louisiana for any purpose covered by this Section.
Acts 2001, No. 9, §9, eff. July 1, 2001; Acts 2003, No. 551, §§4 and 5; Acts 2006, No. 346, §1; Acts 2010, No. 743, §1C, eff. July 1, 2010.